I feel so stupid when I think about what happened 3years ago, and how much it meant to me at that point in time. I was sure I would never get over it, but I did. Eventually. Time does heal everything, at least most of the things that are ugly memories and scar your mind to such an extent that you have no option but to not think about it at all (but even with that in mind, you do end up thinking about it!).
Thanks for being such a horrible person, it made flushing you out of my life so easy. And thanks for taking that decision. If not for that, I would have probably suffocated to death!
Whenever you across a bad time in ur life, just remind urself the saying "Everything happens for a reason!"...
My closest friend said that to me around a year back, and i believed him then, but now I'm not that sure of it.
I'm sure that you will believe it one day when you come to know about the real reason for the happening... Everytime that reason will be for the goodness of you...
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